Stefano Ronchi

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That's me!


I am currently a PhD student at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Göttingen.

I will be a Junior Fellow at Institut Mittag-Leffler in Djursholm, Sweden for the program Cohomological Aspects of Quantum Field Theory.

Previously I did my master's at the University of Bonn, and my bachelor's at the University of Milano-Bicocca.

Research Interests

My main research interests lie at the intersection of differential geometry, higher structures and mathematical physics. I like to employ simplicial and homological methods to study structures in geometry and physics, such as (higher) Lie groupoids and representations, (higher) Lie and Courant algebroids, (shifted) symplectic and Poisson structures, field theories and TQFTs. For example, as part of my PhD thesis I use simplicial methods to study cotangent objects of Lie 2-groupoids and their shifted symplectic structures.

Publications and Preprints